Andrés Rozental Highlights 5 Questions for Sheinbaum’s 1st 100 Days

Amb. Andrés Rozental, Mexico’s former Ambassador to the United Kingdom and Sweden, poses five key questions for Claudia Sheinbaum’s first 100 days in office. The eventual answers to these questions will guide his understanding of how Sheinbaum intends to govern.

Amb. Rozental says “There are many things to watch for in Claudia’s first 100 days. For me, these are the top five.”

AMLO’s Influence.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) claims he will retire to his 13,000 square metre ranch, La Chingada, in Chiapas. Will he stay out of politics, or attempt to publicly influence Sheinbaum from the side-lines?

Cabinet Dynamics.

The new cabinet will comprise veterans from the AMLO administration, such as Marcelo Ebrard and Rogelio Ramírez, as well as newcomers from Sheinbaum’s time as Mayor of CDMX such as Rosaura Ruiz Gutiérrez. How will these factions interact, and will they have real independence over their portfolios?

Private Sector Relations.

Relations between AMLO and business were tense. Will Claudia launch a charm offensive and approach business leaders directly, or rely on her advisor Altagracia Gómez? García is to Sheinbaum what Alfonso Romo was to AMLO. She was rumoured to be in line for Economy Minister, but García preferred to keep her business. Forbes has ranked García as one of the 100 most influential businesswomen in Mexico.

International Engagement.

AMLO generally avoided international summits, famously remarking ‘the best foreign policy is a good domestic policy.’ So how will Claudia engage globally? Will she attend the G-20 in Brazil, the UN General Assembly, or Davos early next year?

The US Election.

AMLO’s relationship with the Biden White House has been rocky, but he enjoyed cordial relations with Trump. With the Trump-Biden rematch, how will Sheinbaum respond to the outcome? Outwardly I assume Claudia will not discriminate, though there is a clear preference for Biden in Mexico which she shares.